A message from the Certa Cito Foundation
On behalf of the Board of the Certa Cito Foundation I am pleased to advise that progress has been made with rebooting the Certa Cito Foundation as the Charity for the Australian Signals Community. We have launched our website, CertaCitoFoundation.org.au and our membership
portal is operating. We hope you will all become members of the Foundation so we can collectively care for, and connect, our Signals community. If you are able to, you may also want to make a donation or encourage your organisation to sponsor the Certa Cito Foundation.
The Certa Cito Foundation is a registered Australian charity dedicated to caring, connecting and commemorating our vibrant Signals community. We represent thousands of men and women and their families who are currently serving and tens of thousands of veterans, families and supporters whose lives have been touched by the Corps.
The Certa Cito Foundation exists to ensure the whole Australian Signals Community – current and former service personnel, their families and our Australian Army colleagues who have supported the Corps – are connected and supported and their service is never forgotten.
This year we have supported people in our community who were affected by natural disasters or needed some financial support. We also assisted with connecting our community by supporting several activities and organisations including the ADF Cyber Challenge and the RA Sigs Rugby Union Football Club and we recognised the contribution of our Signals
community on ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day.
The Certa Cito Foundation contributions to date have been modest but we believe we have much to offer. We will need your support to spread the word about the Certa Cito Foundation and we hope you will get behind this important endeavour. We are excited and we hope you are too.
Signal your support by becoming a member of the Certa Cito Foundation and help us to support our Signals Community.

Alison Creagh AM, CSC
President Certa Cito Foundation
30 November 2023