Established in 2013 the Corps Fund was created to assist with the advancement of RA Sigs within the Australian Army, foster esprit-de-corps and recognize long and dedicated service of valued Corps Fund members.
The Corps Fund provides funding for the maintenance and upkeep of RA Sigs awards, acknowledges other significant achievement of Corps Fund members and support and recognises members of the fund for their valuable service to the Corps when they decide to exit the fund.
Benefits of being a member of the Corps Fund
– Quarterly members draw
– Funds towards Corps awards
– Support to bereavements
– 5% discount on all Corps Shop merchandise
– Grants towards unit corps-related activities
– Acknowledgment of your career milestones
– Voting rights at the AGM
The Corps Fund membership is open to all SERCATs and is divided into a three-tier model which enables all members regardless of time in the Corps Fund to be recognised on separation from the Corps Fund. These are as follows:
Subscription | Pricing |
Bronze – 0 – 4 years of membership Silver – 5 – 9 years of membership Mercury – 10 years membership (Can be achieved by a one off payment) | Other Ranks – $26 annually (max $260) Officers – $36 annually (max $360) *Annual payments are capped at 10 years of membership, where you will qualify as a Mercury Member. |

*** Each member will receive a numbered key ring and certificate with a personal member number.

Member Draw
On behalf of the HOC, the Corps Fund Committee would like to thank you for your membership and support. Your contributions will support efforts to enhance esprit de corps and will ensure the achievements and commitment of RA Sigs Members are recognised. The winner of the first quarterly Corps Fund member draw of 2024 is: LTCOL Daniel Lee Congratulations LTCOL Lee on winning a $100 JB HiFi gift card and a book titled, “Sir William Glasgow; Soldier, Senator and Diplomat”, written by Peter Edgar The winner was drawn by the Corps Fund Committee, at DFSS on Thurs 21 Mar 2024. The Corps Fund relies on the contributions of its members to provide ongoing support to Corps activities, events, awards and appropriate member recognition. As the Corps Fund is reinvigorated, your support in spreading the word is greatly appreciated. |
RA Sigs gifts on exit
At present three gifts are available to the members on exit from the Corps Fund.
The tiered gifts below will be presented to Mercury Members on exit from the Corps Fund, including a certificate of service from the Corps Fund to all paying members.

All Members
Personalised 70mm pewter RA Sigs Coin in a felt box
***Not for individual resale.

Silver and Mercury Members
Print of the Presentation of the Princess Anne Banner

Mercury Members
A 36cm Bronze Jimmy Statue
Exiting the Corps Fund
When members notify the Corps Fund Committee of their decision to exit the Corps Fund, the committee will arrange for the members gifts to be dispatched to the members unit for formal presentation. The committee request that at least 60 days’ notice be given for administration and processing.
Why not become a member and support your corps. If you have any inquiries, please contact the Corps Fund Committee rasigs.corpsstaff@defence.gov.au
Download the membership form below;
Download the fund grant application form below