Brett Forte Commemorative Cup

On the 14th August 2021, the Royal Australian Signals Rugby Union Football Club, represented South East Queensland Defence Force in the annual Brett Forte Commemorative Cup match, part of the Brett Forte Super 10’s Tournament.
Read the full article here.
Brigadier Alison Creagh AM CSC (Retd), awarded the 2021 UNSW Alumni Award for Professional Achievement

Brigadier Creagh, a UNSW Canberra alumna, is among eight exceptional alumni recognised in the 2021 UNSW Alumni Awards for their professional and personal dedication to making a profound impact in Australia and around the globe. Brigadier Creagh graduated from UNSW Canberra with a Master of Management Studies in Project Management in 1995 and a Master of Defence Studies in 1997. Following 30 years of dedicated service, Brigadier Creagh retired from the Australian Regular Army in 2015, and now holds several board and advisory positions with a focus on supporting veterans, Defence industry and promoting cyber security.
View the full article here.
VALE – Brigadier Keith Morel (Retired)

BRIG Keith Morel (Retired) passed away on Saturday 1st May 2021. BRIG Morel was a former Director of Communications (later known as Director of Signals / RA Sigs Corps Director) between 16th December 1977 – 25th November 1979. BRIG Morel was successful in his application for entrance to the Royal Military College of Australia and was attested as a Staff Cadet on 14th February, 1953. He served as OC 104 Sig Sqn during the Vietnam War and was mentioned in dispatches for his command of the unit in June 1969 for his involvement in the Battle of Binh Ba. During Corps Week in November 1979 he dedicated the “Signals in Vietnam” painting which was hung in the foyer of the School of Signals at Watsonia. He was farewelled in Sydney on 8th May 2021 and is survived by his wife, Jan.

RNZ Sigs celebrates Centenary

RNZ Sigs marked its 100th birthday on 24th March 2021 (RNZ Sigs Corps Day). The date also marked the 175th birthday of the NZ Army. The occasion was marked by a low-key COVID-friendly online service, followed by localised gatherings of past and current serving members of the Corps. RA Sigs representation during the streamed live event was provided by DHOC, Corps RSM, Representative COL COMDT and a RA Sigs Association representative (Mr Bruce Long). The occasion is a timely reminder that RA Sigs is approaching its own centenary in 2025, preparations for which are already underway.
DFSS Member Receives Chief of Army’s Award for Instructional Excellence.

SGT Josh Foster was awarded the 2020 Chief of Army’s Award for Instructional Excellence. The award was presented to SGT Foster at the Chief of Army’s Senior Advisory Council (CASAC) on 29th April 2021.
See the full article here.