A message from the Head of Corps
2023 has been another year of notable achievements for RA Sigs. In a dynamic time in terms of emerging technology and strategic circumstances, I’m constantly impressed with the way the Corps continues to inform thinking on the future of both Army and the joint force. With much still to be considered and decided, the capabilities we bring will remain in high demand and I’m confident our ongoing engagement across Defence will see RA Sigs well-positioned to contribute and adapt to the widest range of future requirements.
Against this dynamic backdrop, the Corps has once again proven itself to be a safe pair of
hands for support to operations, foundation training, and high-end joint collective training
events. Most notably, RA Sigs contributions were key to the successful execution of
Operation VANUATU ASSIST in March. A range of smaller scale security cooperation and
international partnering commitments through the region have also drawn on the skill and
expertise of our people. Further abroad, our teams continue to ensure our globally deployed forces stay connected not just with Australia, but with a growing range of allies and international partners.
The major training event for 2023 was Exercise TALISMAN SABRE in July and August
the tenth iteration of this high profile combined exercise and the largest yet in terms of
participants, contributing nations and geographic expanse. Providing the connectivity over an Area of Operations extending thousands of kilometres and in a coalition of 13 international partners was a full-court press for the Corps. The experiences and lessons learnt from this exercise have helped progress the introduction into service of new equipment, validated new concepts of operations, and enhanced coalition interoperability. These are enduring exercise outcomes and a legacy from 2023 of which RA Sigs should collectively be incredibly proud.
Our October Corps Conference was one of the best attended Corps forums I have ever been involved in, certainly the largest of my time as Head of Corps. The focused work conducted during the conference produced outcomes that I am confident will make meaningful contributions to aspects of Army’s Defence Strategic Review response, align our organisation with moves toward more specialised Brigades, and deliver optimised G6 staff structures at Divisional, Functional Command and Army Headquarters level.
November saw a highly successful Corps Week with the Defence Force School of Signals
taking out the Caduceus Cup, 7th Signal Regiment retaining the Corps Rugby trophy and a
myriad of other group and individual champions being recognised in the supporting Tug-o-War and strength/endurance competitions. Congratulations as well to the 3rd Combat Signal Regiment’s Lieutenant William Williamson and 1st Combat Signals Regiment’s Signaller Tamara Madzika on their recognition as the 2023 Lieutenant and Signaller of the Year.
As we edge closer to the Certa Cito 100 Corps Centenary in 2025, our preparations are
accelerating. This year, we’ve secured Army-level support and resources to deliver a wide
range of commemorative events, issued a Defence-wide Task Order to initiate preliminary
actions across the entirety of the Corps, extended our network of regionally-based Colonel
Commandants with dedicated representation now in North Queensland, the Northern Territory and South Australia, commenced engagement with our State Signals associations and continued our work with Defence’s most senior leaders to ensure our 2025 commemorations have the profile and gravitas they deserve.
Most significantly, we have achieved all of this with a workforce of around 2500 fall time and 850 part time personnel. With such an austere team, the contributions made by each and every one of our people – and the support of their family and loved ones – are central to our collective success. As I approach the end of my Head of Corps tenure, I remain of the strong view that our focus on the mission, ability to attract some of Australia’s best and brightest, and enthusiasm in building a vibrant Corps identity are as strong as they’ve ever been.
On behalf of the entire Corps and the wider Royal Australian Corps of Signals community, I
congratulate Brigadier Deane Limmer on both his recent promotion and his appointment as
the incoming Head of Corps. I wish him the very best for the role, confident you will all provide him with the same levels of support, advice and assistance as you have so generously given me over the past four years.
Thank you for your efforts, my best wishes for Christmas and the New Year and Certa Cito!

General R Novak AM
Major General
Head of Corps
30 November 2023